License Operating Schedule

License Operating Schedule

This is a list of how we operate. Its useful reading for all volunteers.Operating Schedule for The Star and Shadow Cinema

1. Nature of venue:

1.1 The Star and Shadow Cinema (hereafter referred to as “The Premises”) is an 80-seat cinema with a café/bar social space, offices and vestibule.

1.2 The Premises is planned to run as a membership venue. This membership is not part of the license but is instigated in a social capacity. It is also as a way to raise revenue and will help as a security measure as numbers on Premises can be regulated. Unless we change our plans, membership will be compulsory for all patrons. We will not change these plans without consultation with the Licensing Authority. Membership will be available at a minimal cost and our policy is not to turn away visitors for lack of funds. In such cases membership fees may be waived although membership rules will still hold. The membership rules explain the nature of the Premises and ask members to respect and support these. The Premises is a small venture run as a benefit to a broad community and to promote cultural activities beyond the mainstream. As such, our membership is open to all and will only be restricted if allowing membership would constitute a breach of the licensing objectives and general safety.

1.3 The Premises is run as a Community Interest Company and staffed entirely by volunteers. This allows for as little hierarchy in our structure as possible and to be open to new volunteers at any point. It also allows our costs to be much less in running the venue. All volunteers are members of the company and can be part of decision making on issues at meetings. All volunteers working in a public capacity will be trained to the standards laid out in the Operating Schedule and any risk assessment or other health and safety documents.

1.4 Our clientele will vary depending on our programme, but the majority will be sympathetic to our position as a socially conscious, volunteer-run space promoting local, ethical and fair trading policies as far as possible and an open policy with our programming.

2. Opening Hours

2.1 Standard public opening hours during which film screenings or other licensable entertainment may be take place:
10am-12am Sun-Thurs
10am-1am Fri- Sat

2.2 Hours during which alcohol may be sold:
3pm-11pm Mon-Thurs
3pm-12am Fri
12pm-12am Sat
12pm-11pm Sun

2.3 Our closing times are in line with The Tanners public house opposite.

2.4 Last entry will be at the end of serving time.

2.5 The hour after last orders allows for winding down the evening slowly and for staggered leaving.

2.6 Special hours:
We will make ACPO applications for special hours opening to the police 14 days in advance of any such events, up to 12 times per year as agreed by the Licensing Authority.

2.7 Due to the nature of the Premises its is possible that the Premises will not be open all the times stated as opening depends on programmed events, staff availability and audience interest.

2.8 Staff have 24-hour access to the building

2.9 A conspicuous notice will be displayed on or immediately outside the Premises adjacent to the entrance to the Premises that gives details of the times when the Premises are permitted to be open for any licensable activity.

3 Smoking

3.1 Smoking will be allowed in all areas of the building aside from the auditorium until such time as the law changes on smoking in public venues. We may choose to restrict smoking in certain areas.

3.2 When children under 16 are present we will make every effort to ensure they are not affected by smoking. 

4 Screenings of films

4.1 There is one fixed screen at the cinema in the auditorium. From time to time we will screen films more informally in the café.

4.2 Most screenings will be in the evenings though we may also show films during the day within our opening hours and occasional ‘midnight movies’ when we have late openings.

4.3 The nature of the films shown at the Premises means that not all of them are certificated. (see 26)

5 Music and dancing

5.1 The Social area will have background music during opening hours. A license for playing copyrighted material will also be in place if such music is played.

5.2 On evenings where there are no films and after films we may employ a DJ to play music.

5.3 There is a provision for dancing in the social space and in the auditorium.

5.4 Live music events will take place in the auditorium or in the social space. Both spaces are soundproofed.

6. Sale of Alcohol

6.1 We will use ‘meter measuring equipment’ for the sale of spirits.

6.2 No patrons shall be allowed to leave the Premises whilst in the possession of any drinking vessel or open glass bottle, whether empty or containing beverage. (This condition shall not apply to patrons who have purchased beverages for consumption off the Premises (within the curtilage of the Premises licensed area) with the express consent of the Licensee, DPS or responsible person).

6.3 Alcoholic drinks shall only be sold for consumption off the Premises as closed bottles.

6.4 All members of staff at the Premises shall seek credible photographic proof of age evidence from any person who appears to be under the age of 18 years and who is seeking to purchase or consume alcohol on the Premises. Such credible evidence, which shall include a photograph of the customer, will either be a passport, photographic driving license or proof of age card carrying the PASS logo.

6.5 A suitably worded sign of sufficient size and clarity will be displayed at the point of entry to the Premises and in a suitable location at any points of sale, advising customers that they may be asked to produce evidence of their age.

6.6 The licensee shall not advertise, promote, sell or supply alcoholic drinks in such a way that is intended of likely to encourage persons to consume alcohol to an excessive extent.

6.7 Any reduced price offers will be in conjunction with other activities, such as a ‘Friends’ membership scheme entitling patrons to a complimentary drink at the bar; special events may include a complimentary drink with the price of entrance. Short dated drinks may be sold at a slightly reduced price in order to prevent waste. Any special offers will be in place for whole days.

6.8 The licensee shall not sell or supply alcoholic drinks in such a way which will enable, or which is intended to enable, persons to consume unlimited quantities of alcoholic drinks on payment of a single payment or a payment arrangement which is not related to the quantity or volume of alcoholic drinks supplied.

7. Late Night Refreshment

7.1 Within our opening hours we will make available for sale hot drinks.

7.2 If plans are introduced to serve hot food, we may make this available within our opening hours.


8.1 The maximum number of persons permitted on the Premises at any one time shall not exceed that recommended by the relevant authority

8.2 As all patrons will be members, entrance will include becoming a member or showing a membership card to a trained staff member. Numbers of patrons will therefore be counted in and out of the Premises. This will allow the license holder, Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) or manager for that day to be aware of the number of people on the Premises at any time, and to provide this information to any authorised person on request.

8.3 Membership and ticketing ensures the auditorium will not go beyond capacity. The social space will also be maintained through membership entrance. On occasions where we may reach capacity the DPS or manager for the evening will support the member of staff on the door to ensure capacity is not breached.

8.4 The maximum number of persons permitted on the licensed Premises, or relevant parts of the Premises, shall be indicated by a fixed notice bearing the words “Maximum Occupancy” with letters and numbers not less than 20mm high conspicuously sited (at each relevant part of the Premises and) at the reception point to the Premises.

9. Private hire

9.1 We will make the Premises available for private hire.

9.2 Private hire will not entail the visitors becoming members

9.3 In all other respects, private hire events will be staffed and run in accordance with the Operating Schedule.

9.4 In the case of a private hire, capacity will be a part of the hire agreement. Staff will be instructed to ensure capacity is not breached.

10. Seating

10.1 Seating shall be provided for all cinema patrons in the cinema. Seating will usually be available in the café as standard but will be available on request at all times the Premises are open for licensable activity.

10.2 A copy of the seating plan will be available at the Premises to be shown to any authorised person on request.
10.3 All staff will be trained in the safe use of the auditorium which includes the following rules:
(i)No article must be attached to the back of any seat which would reduce the clear width of seatways or cause a tripping hazard or obstruction.
(ii) Sitting on floors is not permitted except in front of the first row of seats and by the attendants when a chair would obstruct a fire exit.
(iii) In no circumstances will anyone (except for a single attendant as above) be permitted to –
(a) sit in any gangway;
(b) stand or sit in front of any exit; or
(c) stand or sit on any staircase including any landings.
(iv) Any drinks sold to be consumed in the auditorium will not be supplied in glass containers.

10.4 A copy of any certificate relating to the design, construction and loading of any temporary seating will be kept available at the Premises and shown to any authorised person on request.

11 Toilet facilities

11.1 The provision for toilets in the Premises is beyond the minimum recommendation of the licensing policy. There are 5 WCs and 2 washbasins for females; 3 WCs, 2 urinals and 2 washbasins for males; 1 disabled access WC with 1 washbasin (unisex); 1 WC and 1 washbasin for staff.

12 Disability access

12.1 The Premises has been designed to ensure access is not restricted due to disability. This includes the auditorium, entrance and exits to the Premises, the fire plan and the toilet facilities. We will always support the broadest range of audience accessing our activities.

13 Staffing:

13.1 The Licensee shall ensure that at all times when the Premises is open for any licensable activity there are sufficient competent staff on duty at the Premises for the purpose of fulfilling the terms and conditions of the License for promoting the Licensing Objectives.

13.2 Minimum staff requirements are:

Film screening or other event in cinema:
3 (1 door/membership, 1 usher/bar, 1 projectionist/bar).

This is in line with the Licensing Statement. As such, the usher will not be engaged in any other duties that would hinder the prompt discharge of their duties in the event of an emergency or entail their absence from the auditorium when on duty for the duration of the screening and until all patrons have left the auditorium. Attendants will be readily identifiable to the audience although they may not be wearing a uniform.

Evening Café/bar event only:
2 members of staff (door/membership, bar)

Day café only
1 member of staff to cover membership and bar

13.3 Each of the above cases represents the minimum number of staff. Many screenings and events will attract very small audiences and this number of staff would be sufficient. In the case of events which are expected to be busy or reach capacity we will aim to have more staff available.

13.3 There shall be phone points available in the café and the projection booth for emergency purposes.

13.4 Staffing will be managed by the DPS along with other volunteers that run the Operations team, ensuring that there are enough staff available for each event. The Operations team is a group of volunteers that meet regularly to plan the staffing of the cinema and training of staff.

13.5 The DPS is Ilana Mitchell, who has good management and bar skills.

13.6 Due to the nature of the Premises as a volunteer project we are likely to have a reasonably large pool of staff, some of whom will not work very often. All volunteers will be trained either by the DPS or by Jo Burke (volunteer and personal license holder) or by a regular volunteer who has been trained by one of the personal license holders or any other volunteers that become personal license holders. The training will include the rules set out in this operating schedule. All volunteers will sign a form to say they have been trained. A separate training for volunteer projectionists will also be in operation.

14 Public Safety

14.1 All staff will be trained in security and public safety. Routine safety checks will be carried out before the admission of the public, details of which will be kept in a logbook. The safety checks and training will correspond with the risk assessment and the conditions of the license.

14.2 When disabled people are present, adequate arrangements will be in place to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. All staff will be trained to be aware of disabilities and react according to a pre-determined plan. This will include making disabled people on the Premises aware of the arrangements in place to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.

14.3 All escape routes and exists will be kept unobstructed in good order with nonslippery and even surfaces free of trip hazards and clearly identified.

14.4 All exit doors, whenever the premise are occupied, will be easily openable in the case of an emergency without the use of a key card, code or similar means.

14.5 All exit doors will be regularly checked to ensure that they function satisfactorily and a record of the check kept.

14.6 Any removable security fastenings will be removed whenever the Premises are open to the public or occupied by staff.

14.7 All fire doors will be maintained effectively self-closing and will not be held open other than by the approved devices.

14.8 Fire resisting doors to ducts, service shafts, and cupboards will be kept locked shut to prevent unauthorised access and preserve integrity.

14.9 The edge of the treads of steps or stairways will be maintained and conspicuous.

14.10 Drinking water (e.g. tap water) shall be available or served to patrons in sufficient quantities at all times when patrons are present on the Premises.

15 Fire Alarm and evacuation

15.1 The fire alarm on the Premises has been designed to and installed in accordance with British Standard 5838 current edition by ADT and will be maintained by them regularly as required.

15.2 Fire fighting equipment: the premise holds fire extinguishers and other fire fighting equipment in line with recommendations from the relevant authority. All staff will be trained in their use and in the evacuation procedure in the event of a fire alarm.

15.3 Notices detailing the actions to be taken in the event of fire or other emergency, including how to summon the fire brigade, will be prominently displayed and protected from damage and deterioration.

15.4 The responsible person where there is an outbreak of fire, however slight, will raise the alarm, evacuate the building, and call the fire brigade. Following the incident, the responsible person will ensure that the details are recorded in a Fire Log Book. Any remedial work necessary to restore fire precautions to their original standard will be completed with systems fully functional prior to re-admittance of the public.

15.5 The responsible person will notify the Licensing Authority as soon as possible if the water supply to any hydrant, hose-reel, sprinkler, drencher or other fire extinguishing installation is cut off or restricted.

15.6 Access to the Premises for emergency vehicles will be kept clear and free from obstruction.

16 Fire Prevention

16.1 Upholstered seating will meet, on a continual basis, the pass criteria for smoldering ignition source 0, flaming ignition source 1 and crib ignition source 5 when tested in accordance with section 5 of BS 5852:1990 or equivalent standard.

16.2 All hangings, curtains and temporary decorations will be maintained in a flame retardant condition.

16.3 All hangings, curtains and temporary decorations will be arranged so as not to obstruct exits, fire safety signs or fire fighting equipment

16.4 Prior advice will be sought from the Licensing Authority before temporary decorations are used, and the risk assessment amended accordingly.

16.5 As the Premises is a cinema and film production resource, flammable film will be kept on the Premises. All film will be kept within the designated areas for film storage when not in use. No other flammable films will be allowed on the Premises without the prior notification of the licensing authority/fire authority.

17 First Aid

17.1 Adequate and appropriate equipment and materials will be provided for enabling first aid to be rendered to members of the public if they are injured or become ill whilst at the licensed Premises.

17.2 As the premise is run by volunteers, and has a small capacity, training will include the necessity to appoint a member of staff to take charge in any situation relating to an injured or ill member of the public every time the Premises are open. Steps will be taken to ensure that as many volunteers as possible are trained as first aiders but due to the nature of the Premises, it may not always be possibly to have a first aider on site.

18 Lighting and emergency lighting

18.1 As the building does not get much daylight, it is fitted with lighting in all areas accessible to the public, members or guests.

18.2 The cinema lighting has been designed to meet the purpose of the cinema and be as great as possible consistent with the effective presentation of the film, complying with the standards specified in BS CP 1007 (Maintained Lighting for Cinemas).

18.3 Fire safety signs will be adequately illuminated.

18.4 Emergency lighting has been designed in accordance with BS5266 (current edition) or an equivalent standard approved by the Licensing Authority and will not be altered without prior consent of the Licensing Authority.

18.5 The emergency lighting system will be checked to ensure it is operating correctly before the admission of the public, members or guests.

18.6 In the event of the failure of normal lighting, where the emergency lighting battery has a capacity of one hour, arrangements will be in place to ensure that the public, members or guests leave the Premises immediately. Where the emergency lighting battery has a capacity greater than one hour the public, members or guests may remain in the Premises for the duration of the system less one hour. Note: In addition an investigation into any failure of the system must be carried out to ascertain whether it is safe for persons to remain in the Premises when only the emergency lighting is operating.

18.7 The entrance to the Premises faces away from the residential areas in the vicinity and as such lighting should not cause a nuisance. Any signage or security lighting will be designed so as not to cause nuisance to neighbouring or adjoining properties.

19 Sport

19.1 No sport will take place on the Premises in a licensensable capacity.

20 Alterations

20.1 No alterations will be made to the Premises which make it impossible to comply with an existing license condition without first seeking a variation of the Premises license proposing the deletion of the condition in question. In such cases the licensee will propose a new operating schedule reflecting the proposed alteration to the Premises and will outline intended alternative steps to promote the public safety objective and amend the risk assessment accordingly.

20.2 Temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems must not be provided without notification to the licensing authority at least ten days before commencement of the work and prior inspection by a suitable qualified electrician. Premises must not be opened to the public until the work is deemed satisfactory by the above parties.

20.3 Where it is not possible to give ten days notification to the licensing authority of provision of temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems, the work must be undertaken by competent, qualified persons.

20.4 Temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems will comply with the recommendations of BS7671 or where applicable BS7909.

20.5 All temporary electrical wiring and distribution systems will be inspected and certified by a competent person before they are put to use.

21 Special effects:
21.1 Where special effects are intended for use, including:
– dry ice machines and cryogenic fog
– smoke machines and fog generators
– pyrotechnics, including fireworks
– real flame
– firearms
– motor vehicles
– strobe lighting
– lasers
– explosives and highly flammable substances
the responsible person will notify the Licensing Authority and submit a relevant risk assessment at least ten days prior to the event. In the case of any other special effects with safety implications prior notification will be given in writing to the responsible licensing authority at least 10 days before the event with details as to their use to enable the Authority to consider if further inspection by the Fire Authority is necessary. It may be required that staff trained in fire prevention and extinction be present during any such performance

21.2 Any special effects or mechanical installation will be arranged and stored to minimise any risk to the safety of the audience, the performers and staff.

21.3 All special effects will be tested before public performance in respect of audience safety and to ensure that there is sufficient ventilation and extraction to avoid activation of fire protection equipment.


22 Sound levels

22.1 The café and the cinema auditorium are two sections of an existing brick built building inside the brick built exterior of the Premises. (see plans). The auditorium is the middle section and is soundproofed on all four walls and ceiling. The café area is the section closest to Stepney Bank, furthest from the residential areas in the vicinity. The café has been soundproofed on the ceiling and is sound insulated by its position and design. Noise and vibration will not be audible outside the Premises.

22.2 External doors will be kept closed except for access and egress. This will be maintained by a self-closing mechanism and staff checks.

22.3. Noise generated by amplified music will be controlled and kept at or below the level determined by the Local Authority Environmental Health Officer, such level being confirmed in writing to the Licensee.

22.4 Loading in and loading out: the nature of the Premises allows access to vehicles inside the building and therefore noise will be significantly reduced. Where possible this will take place before 11pm.

22.5 Clear and legible notices will be displayed at exits and other circulatory areas requesting patrons to leave the Premises having regard to the needs of local residents.

22.6 The DPS and staff will ensure members of staff monitor the activity of persons leaving the Premises and remind them of their public responsibilities where necessary.  A bus timetable will be available and a relationship will be established with the local taxi company so the bar can organize taxis for patrons. Directions to the nearest car park will be available although driving will be discouraged as far as possible to avoid parking problems and drink driving. From experience of programming films at Side cinema, we expect many of our clientele to travel by public transport, foot or bicycle rather than by car and we will aim to encourage this in our publicity.

23 Ventilation

23.1 Suitable ventilation and extraction systems are planned to be installed to eliminate noxious odours. Once installed, such systems will be maintained on a regular basis.

24 Refuse

24.1 As outlined by the Licensing Policy, the Licensee will ensure that waste and refuse are removed in a timely manner to a licensed waste disposal facility and will establish a waste removal agreement with a licensed waste disposal contractor and keep documented evidence of the agreement.

24.2 Empty bottles will be recycled. They will be stored in a lidded skip or a bin within the curtilage of the Premises prior to collection. Operationally, bottles will be removed from the public area on a frequent basis and transferred to the skip. It is recommended that transfer to an external skip will not be undertaken after 10.00 p.m. to minimise noise disturbance to adjoining properties.

25 Deliveries

25.1 As far as is reasonably possible, all deliveries of stock for the bar or equipment will be kept to normal working hours (8am-6pm).

26 Protection of Children from Harm

26.1 As a cinema open to all and catering to as broad and audience as possible, we will not restrict children form coming into the building. In particular we hope that there will be specific times when films suitable for children or family will be shown. We may also run workshops suitable for children.

26.2 The bar will not serve alcohol before 3pm on weekdays. Alcohol sales during the daytime on weekends will be regulated depending on the nature of the activity.

26.3 No children under 12 will be admitted unaccompanied by an adult over 18 after 11 p.m.

26.4 A list of all films to be screened will be submitted to the council before the start of each season with their classification or an example of previous screening situations. The Licensee will adhere to any British Board of Film Classification classifications or age restrictions imposed by the Licensing Authority.

26.5 In the case of open submission screenings, all filmmakers will be asked to inform of any material that would be unsuitable for screenings for children under 18 and signage and admissions made to correspond accordingly.

26.6 Immediately before the exhibition of a film there will be exhibited on screen for at least 5 seconds a representation or written statement of the film’s classification in such a manner as can be easily read by all persons attending the entertainment and also in the case of trailer advertising any film.

26.7 Where a film is to be shown that has been classified as 12A, 15 or 18 the licensee will cause a notice to be displayed, in a conspicuous position, at the entrance to the Premises or room in which the film is to be shown reading:


This notice must refer to the oldest age restriction where films of different categories are included in one programme.

26.8 In the rare case of entertainment wholly or mainly for unaccompanied children the licensee will comply with the rules of the Licensing Authority:
• There must be at least one attendant per 50 children or part thereof who must be on duty in the area(s) occupied by the children and stationed in the vicinity of each exit and at the head of each stairway
• attendants must wear distinctive clothing or suitable armbands
• attendants must be present throughout the entertainment and while the audience is entering and leaving the building

26.9 It is unlikely that we will show performances involving children. In the event, we will comply with the regulations in the Children (Performances) Regulations 1968.:
•    The show venue must be large enough to safely accommodate the children backstage.
•    All chaperones and production crew must receive the fire instruction procedures applicable to the venue prior to the arrival of the children.
•    You must consider the adverse effects of special effects upon the health and safety of children.
•    Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.

26.10 The Licensee will comply with the Portman Group’s Retailer Alert Bulletins.

Author: ilanamitchell

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